Sunday, September 14, 2008

In the meantime. . . .

In the past year I've had some loss. My Dad's death and an important relationship being the two greatest. There's no good timing when you lose a parent and there are definitely relationships where a lot can be attributed to bad timing. This was one of them.

So. . . if it wasn't the right time. . . and I need to move on with life and I don't always know how based on my general feelings of sadness and loss . . . .

what do I do in the meantime?

So far my gut, a really good book (In the Meantime, Finding Yourself and the Love You Want by Iyanla Vanzant), and plenty of sadness, have led me to do the things that it would behoov me to do whether I'm in a relationship, or on my own.

~ be honest with myself and others about . . . well. . . everything
~ stay clear in my life goals and keep moving towards them
~ take time for me, for my family and friends, and for the romantic relationship in my life

I'm also working on being in the moment (not stuck in memories of the past whether good or bad, or worries about the future), not thinking about what others think about me, and attempting to approach every situation from a place of love and compassion.

A long while back, my mom gave me a bookmark that had a great quote by theologian John Wesley. That quote has stuck since the day I read it.

"Do all the good you can,
By all the means you can,
In all the ways you can,
In all the places you can,
At all the times you can,
To all the people you can,
As long as ever you can.”

Perhaps a new version could read:

Be all the love you can,
Love by all the means you can,
Love in all the ways you can,
Love in all the places you can,
Love at all the times you can,
Love all the people you can,
Love as long as ever you can.

I like that version.
I'm going to try it.


  1. That's a great re-working of Wesley's quote!

  2. Being in a very similar place and space, I recognize where you are... I, too, need to live in the present, and take each day for the gift it is. I like the poem a lot, both versions - and I'm going to print them and paste them up where I can see them!
    Thanks, from your friend in Michigan!
